Saturday, August 17, 2019

Helen Frankenthaler - Steve Martin

When I was a temp at Abrams Books - art books - special sales department I spent some time over several days with telephone calls and faxes through one of Steve Martin's assistants trying to get his written permission to reprint one of his Helen Frankenthaler's in his current possession, from one of our being published books for a new upcoming Lear Magazine. 

By ownership apparently he had current copyright on the painting over and above copyright rights we had to publish it only in a current book on sale. Reprints in magazines had to go through us as the magazine wanted a photo of one of her works we were about to publish in a book etc. Free advertising so to speak, raising an interest in her works and in our related books. He was island hopping at that time in the Caribbean, being a reason for so much of my time being wasted etc. He was into modern art and big money investment as I understand it and read about later, investing that way in the late 80s. 

Met Helen Frankenthaler when she made a tour of our offices at 100 Fifth Ave reviewing I believe proofs of her upcoming book etc. A sweet lady.

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